Noticias & Prensa
09/04/2024: menzio GmbH as exhibitor at WindEnergy in Hamburg
Meet us between September 24th and 29th 2024 at our booth A1.121 with FAKON Wind GmbH.

02/14/2024: Job offer Scientific Programmer (m/w/*) from now on
From now on, for our office in Cologne we are looking for a new employee (m/w/*), who supports us in a research project. The aim of the project is the adjustment and development of our CFD-software WindStation for a Linux-cluster. The job also includes data analysis for wind expertise reports as well as development of inhouse software tools. The position offers the posibility of working remotely (home office). It is limited to two years. A follow-up contract is likely.Download of the job offer Scientific Programmer (m/w/*) (German)
02/04/2024: menzio GmbH donates to German Life Saving Association, Ulm
As we already did during the last few years, rather than sending christmas presents to our customers, we donate to a charity organisation. This year we choose the location group Ulm of the German Life Saving Association DLRG. The German Life Saving Association (Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft e. V., DLRG) is a non-profit oragnisation. It is structured a an independent live-guards and aid agencies. It is generally working in an honorary capacity. It has almost 580'000 members all over Germany and 1'100 members in Ulm. About 100 of them are active live-guards. DLRG is the biggest organisation of life-guards all over the world.23/11/2023: Job offer Scientific Programmer (m/w/*) from now on
From now on, for our office in Cologne we are looking for a new employee (m/w/*), who supports us in a research project. The aim of the project is the adjustment and development of our CFD-software WindStation for a Linux-cluster. The job also includes data analysis for wind expertise reports as well as development of inhouse software tools. The position offers the posibility of working remotely (home office). It is limited to two years. A follow-up contract is likely.Download of the job offer Scientific Programmer (m/w/*) (German)
14/02/2023: Release WindStation 1.6.0
We are continiously developing WindStation, implement our users' suggestions and project-sepcificly improve the software. In WindStation Version 1.6.0, amongst other things, we- significantly shortened simulation times by optimising our solver Canyon ,
- updated the graphic interface and improved the map display,
- optimised the matrix mode for the calcuation of wakes in big wind farms.
26/01/2023: menzio GmbH is founding member of SIM4SAFETY Lda
SIM4SAFETY offers services in the area of fire spread simulation and develops and distributes the software IMFire. IMFire is a Wildfire Decision Support System (DSS) for the operational use in preventing wild fires, planning fire fighting and predicting wild fire spread.Download Flyer IMFire
06/12/2022: menzio GmbH receives funding for its research project MEDAILLON
We are very happy that our joint project MEDAILLON was accepted for funding by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany. During the next three years we will work on the creation of a new freely available meteorological data set for applications in energy industry in coolaboration with the Fraunhofer IEE, the German weather service and the University of Kassel. During this project we will parallelize our CFD-software WindStation for the use in a high performance cluster environment.30/11/2022: menzio GmbH donates to Liga Portuguesa contra o Cancro
As every year, rather than sending christmas presents to our customers, we donate to a charity organisation - this time we choose Liga Portuguesa contra o Cancro (the Portuguese association against cancer, 2nd stress test for the electricity grid of Germany identifies adaptive overhead line monitoring as essential for the stability of the grid
By applying dynamic line rating, the full capacity of the electricity grid can be used and shortages can be avoided. This is the reason why the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of Germany demands the speed-up of the planned dynamic line rating in its final report of the 2nd power system stresst test to safeguard power stability during the winter season 2022/23. menzio prepared simulation studies for Amprion GmbH concerning the monitoring of overhead lines for most of the grid area of the transmission system operator.
26/07/2022: menzio GmbH is sponsoring the 9. International Conference on Forest Fire Research
For the prediction of the spread of wild fires, the simulation of the wind field is essential. In complex and forested terrain, the CFD-software WindStation of menzio GmbH can fully exploit its strengths.

06/06/2022: menzio GmbH as exhibitor at WindEnergy in Hamburg
Meet us between 27th and 30/09/2022 at our booth A1.121 with FAKON Wind GmbH.

05/04/2022: Job offer wind expert
For our branch office in Cologne we are hiring an employee in full - or part-time with at least five years of professional experience. Our wind experts team needs support in thesite assessment of wind farms, the preparation of wind site assessments and data analyses with our company-proprietary software tools as well as WindPRO and WindStation.Download job offer wind expert
18/11/2021: Cooperation with eolify S.L.
In the future eolify S.L. will support us by entering the spanish-speaking market. The startup which is based in Gran Canaria is specialised in GeoIT-planning as well as wind and solar power.19/11/2021: Scientific paper about WindStation CFD published
In cooperation with the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Coimbra we published a research article in the international scientific journal Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics:Operation assessment of analytical wind turbine wake models
14/09/2021: Donation to German Red Cross Bitburg-Prüm e.V.
We are deeply affected by the flooding catastrophe of the regions North-Rhine Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany. We hope to support the harmed people in those regions a little bit with our donation to the German Red Cross.11/05/2021: Release WindStation 1.5.0
Some new features have been implemented in WindStation 1.5.0:
- Generation of obstacles using *.obj-files (CAD)
- Wind farm matrix mode
21/04/2021: Scientific paper about WindStation CFD published
In cooperation with the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Coimbra we published a research article in the international scientific journal Boundary-Layer Meteorology:Numerical Prediction of the Boundary-Layer Flow Over the Bolund Hill: Assessment of Turbulence Models and Advection Schemes
24/02/2021: menzio GmbH is listed as wind expert by FGW
Due to the successfull accreditation by the German National Accreditation Body (DAkkS) we are qualified to be listed as a wind expert by the German association for wind energy (FGW e.v. Fördergesellschaft Windenergie): wind-fgw.de05/02/2021: menzio GmbH is accredited by the DAkkS
During the last year we have successfully undergone the complex proccess of accreditation by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS). Wir are pleased to offer you our accredited services according to the guidelines of DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005-08 and TR6 Revision 11:- Determination of wind potential and energy yield of wind turbines with WindStation
- Evaluation of wind meassurements
- Calculation of wind turbine site goodness factors for commissioning
- Determination of wind indices for the long term referencing of wind and energy yield data
18/11/2020: menzio GmbH donates to Förderkreis Ferienzentren e.V.
As every year, we forgo sending christmas presents to our clients. Instead, we support the German non-profit organisation Förderkreis Ferienzentren e.V. (FöFe).12/11/2020: menzio GmbH joins the IMFIRE-consortium
IMFire (Intelligent Mananagement of Wildfires) is an international consortium of companies in the area of the simulation of forest and wild fires. IMFire aims in developing a Wildfire Decision Support System (DSS). With menzio GmbH IMFire gains a strong partner specialised in wind field simulation which is an essential subject for fire propagation simulations.18/11/2019: menzio GmbH and S.Trommen Eólica start cooperation
In the future S.Trommen Eólica will support us by entering the spanish market in the area of fire dispersion simulation. The startup which is based on Gran Canaria, is specialised in the area of geo-planning, wind and solar energy as well as energy storage solutions.16/10/2019: menzio GmbH becomes member of the German wind experts gremium of the BWE
In order to stay up-to-date concerning all topics around wind- and energy yield assassements, we regularly attend the meetings of the wind experts gremium of the German Wind Energy Association BWE e. V.. One of the tasks of the gremium is the optimisation of the processes which are involved in the preparation of an onshore wind and energy yield assessment.01/09/2019: WindStation Workshop 13-14/11/2019
In Cologne (Germany), menzio GmbH offers a beginners workshop for WindStation. Learn about the benefits of the CFD-software WindStation by working with case studies of real wind farms. The subscription is open until 25/10/2019.Download subscription form
15/08/2019: menzio GmbH at HUSUM Wind fair
Meet us between 10/09 and 13/09/2019 at the German wind energy fair HUSUM Wind at the North Sea.
27/06/2019: Time to get the wind turbines rotating - Article was published in NWZ
Our managing director Jörg Fangmann recently talked to a jorunalist of the German newspaper Nordwest Zeitung (NWZ) about the literally calm periods in wind energy industry. How we and our cooperation partner FAKON Wind GmbH handle them, can be read in the online version of Nordwest Zeitung since today.01/06/2019: menzio GmbH opens office in Cologne, Germany
In June, we opened our office branch in Cologne Marsdorf in addition to our company seat in Emden.
18/03/2019: Release of WindStation 1.4.0
menzio GmbH constantly optimises its CFD-software WindStation:- Adjustment of the computational mesh
- Additional settings for the adjustment of the atmospheric stability
- Additional export functions for climatologies
10/08/2018: menzio GmbH at WindEnergy fair in Hamburg
Meet us between 25/09 and 28/09/2018 at our cooperational exhibition stand with the company FAKON Wind GmbH from Emden. We are looking forward to meet you in hall B2, stand 216!
13/04/2018: Release of WindStation 1.3.0
The newest version of our CFD-Modell WindStation includes two further wake models (2D-Jensen and Larsen) for the calculation of wake effects in wind farms. Additionally the performance of the buildings model was improved. You are now able to import a whole city in raster format.
12/03/2018: Release of WindStation 1.2.0
In WindStation version 1.2, now also the Jensen model is available for the calculation of wake effects in wind farms. The simulated three dimensional wind fields can directly be used for wind farm site assessment and the calculation of energy yields.
14/02/2018: Release of WindStation 1.1.0
The newest version 1.1 of our CFD-software WindStation is out now.- Improved nesting function
- New functions for post-processing
- Export of climatologies is also available for the low resolution domain when using nesting
- Additional settings for the generation of the computational mesh
30/08/2017: Release of WindStation 1.0.0
menzio GmbH presents its new CFD-software WindStation- Simulation of single wind flow situations
- Calculation of wind climatologies
- Different turbulence models: RNG k-epsilon , Realizable k-epsilon , LimLength k-epsilon
- Implementation of Atmospheric stability by using the Monin-Obukhov length
- Forest model
- Implementation of obstacles (e. g. buidlings)
- Nesting