Immission assessments

Site suitability
- Highly resolved wind field simulations with our CFD software WindStation and validation of the wind field using energy yield data and wind measurements
- Determination of the environmental turbulence intensity from meso-scale data or measurements and a wind field simulation
- Calculation of the characteristic turbulence intensity according to IEC 61400-1 Edition 2
- Calculation of the representative turbulence intensity according to IEC 61400-1 Edition 3
- Evaluation of the effective turbulence intensity at the WEA sites
- Verification of the site suitability according to the valid IEC 61400 or DIBt guideline

Noise immissions
- Simulation of noise immissions according to LAI references (interim or alternative method) with the WindPRO module NOISE
- Consideration of noise level data incl. octave band data for different operational modes
- Determination of the upper confidence limit (uncertainty analysis)
- Conduct of a site visit
- Communication with the local BImSchG authorities

Shadow flicker
- Simulation of shadow flicker according to LAI references
- Determination of the astronomical maximum of shadow flicker as well as the meteorological shadow flicker using the WindPRO module SHADOW
- Conduct of a site visit
- Communication with the local BImSchG authorities

Optical harassment of wind turbines
- Simulation of the visibility of the wind turbine with the WindPRO module ZVI
- Generation of photomontages using the WindPRO module VISUALIZE
- Consideration of legal practice
- Evaluation of the optical harassment considering distance regulations, sight restrictions, plants, terrain, existing wind turbines, use of living area