Enhancing energy yields by optimising the sector management
Are your wind turbines affected by wind sector management or enhanced operating loads due to enhanced turbulence intensity? Are you wondering about your low energy yields? Are you often observing downtimes of your turbines although the wind is blowing? We check the potential of optimisation for your wind turbines based on CFD-simulations and SCADA-data.

Step 1: Analysis of the actual condition
- Examination of BImSchG approval concerning operational limitations
- Analysis of SCADA-data regarding sector management
- Determination of operating modes for reduction of loads using SCADA-data
- Identification of power losses due to damaged rotor blades or other technical deffects in SCADA-data

Step 2: Determination of potential for optimisation
- Our CFD-software WindStation forecasts the wind conditions at your site very accurately
- Precised site data guarantee a validated evaluation of the effective turbulence intensity in your wind farm
- Preparation of an updated site suitability assessmend for the amendment of your existing approval of opperation
- Additional earnings during 10 years: up to 150.000,- €